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All you have to do is start talking to him and joking around with him. If you're super shy, like me, then what you do is when he walks by, be like, "Hey." and try to start a conversation. If that doesn't work, hes not worth it.

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Q: How do give hints to a guy that you like him when your shy?
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If you are shy how do you let a guy know you like him?

Give him little hints that you like him.

What if a guy likes you but he is shy?

Like myself I'am a very shy person and recently i came across with this situation, if you dont wanna tell him directly give him hints, and tell him to not be shy.

I am really shy and like this guy and I need help?

The best answer I can give you is just be bold and let this guy kno about ur crush or give him hints, "flirt" or something atleast give him something to work with(:, Because if you really like this guy he needs to kno that, don't change your self for him tho be who you are but less shy.

How do you get a shy guy to like you even though he hates you?

Give him reason not to hate you

What to do when you like a shy guy but you're unsure?

talk to some one i they will give you the idea of talking instead of being shy

What hints can you drop to let a guy know that you like him?

I'm sure he already knows. But, you can try talkig to him. Maybe he likes you too, but is to shy to say so.

How do you get a guy to like you if your shy?

just give him a nice smile and make him make a move

You were shy around this guy for like 8 months how do you talk to him now without it being weird?

Just be yourself and be confident and if the guy is meant for you then he will ask you out. Leave little hints that you like him and everything will fall into place. Good luck!

How do you get a boy to like a shy girl?

This depends on the guy. Some guys like the mystery, some cant see past their nose. So figure out who he is first and talk to him a little. The more comfortable you get with him, give him bigger and bigger hints. If he's smart enough maybe he'll catch on ;)

What do you do if you really like a boy?

well I'd say go after him,or if ur to shy give him hints that you like just walk up to him and say "ya know,you have really beautiful eyes"or smile.

How do you know if a shy-guy like you when he gives hints but always denys it?

well even though I'm a guy i can still help you hun, well give some hints back if he knows that you reconize that he's there he night come out of his shadow for you and want to get to know you better then you wiil be set and really know if he is the type of guy you want let me know what you think of my answer by sending me an email at let me know if you think i can do better i would love your feedback

You are a very shy girl when it comes to guys and you really like this guy but he is shy too and you not sure if he likes you cause he doesnt talk to me?

i will not like that guy anymore as i don't really like shy guy if you really like that guy make sure that he dotes on you very much try to tell him that you like him cause some guys are like that shy shy de if you do the first move,he might be abit more brave hope you have a good time with that guy