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Glaciers pick up large amounts of earth as they move along the Earth's surface. Then, when they melt, they deposit all of the dirt and rock that they have picked up. This results in the reshaping of the earth's surface, as earth is removed from one place, and built up in another.

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Q: How do glacier both remove and build up Earth's surface?
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What landform can a glacier build up?

A glacier builds up a moraine in front of it as it pushes dirt and rock ahead of it.

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They are constructive. Volcanic deposits help build up the land.

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How is a glacier made?

well a glacier is formed when layers of ice build up over hundreds of years and form a large compact block of ice.

What processes shape the surface of the land?

Water, Wind, Wave, and Glacier Erosion as well as Mass Movement (or Erosion, Deposition, and Weathering)

Describe how three processes act together to wear down and build up earths surface?

These processes destroy and build up different aspects of the landscape. Ex: Slump happens; picks up rock, deposits it somewhere else.

What process wear down and build up the earths surface?

erosion, deposition, and weathering.....magma from volcanos (under water volcanos also) makes new land as well as the rare asteroid or comet.