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Glycerin acts as a lubricant and a mild irritant and stimulates the muscles of the intestine, causing it to contract. The contractions help to move the stools along and makes passing them out of the body much easier.

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Q: How do glycerin suppositories work?
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Related questions

What is the physical appearance of glycerin suppositories?

bullet shaped oleaginous , white transparent

What is the percent of gelatin in rectal suppositories?

B.P.C. U.S.P. E.P. Gelatin 25 20 14 Glycerin 40 70 70 Water 100 100 100

Can a person become dependent upon glycerin suppositories for bowel movements?

By overusing suppositories or anything that induces a bowel movement you can in effect weaken the smooth muscle tissue of your bowels and disrupt the normal rhythm. If you're having problems and currently relying on suppositories, lower the amount of times you use them during the week, look for natural alternative methods, and only use them when absolutely necessary.

What are good constipation remedies for young children who are resistant to pooping?

One way to prevent constipation in children is to increase their fiber intake, and also to increase their fluid intake. There are also medications available such as glycerin suppositories or stool softeners.

Can you take laxatives while being pregnant?

Laxatives can cause infertility. Talk to your doctor.

Are there suppositories for babies?

Yes, often times when a baby is constipated, the health provider will advise you to insert an anal suppository to help relieve the constipation. In the case of newborns, the suppository is usually broken in half before insertion. Most suppositories safe for babies include glycerin.

What is Glycerin in Telugu language?


What household items have glycerin in them?


How do you spell glycerin?

That is the correct spelling of glycerin.

Do you get antibiotic suppositories?

Yes, antibiotics do come in suppositories. It isn't real common, but they are available and are used in some cases.

What are the long term effects of not pooping?

Well your abdomen will become hard, distended and painful . You may end up with an impaction that requires surgical intervention. PLENTY of water, keep moving , and plain glycerin suppositories, and maybe an enema . NO Laxatives if you have abdominal pain. It will cause more harm.

Can glycerin be encapsulated?

It is possible for glycerin to be encapsulated. The most common form of encapsulated glycerin is Vegetable glycerin. Capsules may be sold at a pharmacy, such as Walgreens or CVS.