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To keep goldfish healthy, they need clean water so consider a water filter which can be bought from a local aquatic shop and some toys to keep them entertained, some can be attached to a water pump to make bubbles to be fun and entertaining for your fish. Live plants and fake can be bought too to create a real atmosphere. They should be fed every day, for one goldfish they need a pinch of food in the morning and a pinch of food at night but consider more for the more fish you have. You should consider buying some oxygen gravel or just plain to also be more realistic but you could also have sand (from an aquatic shop only!), make sure you don't mix any tropical fish with them unless they are fresh water!

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12y ago
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13y ago

nothing this is normal next time if your goldfish lays eggs again put it in a separate tank when it's laying it's eggs and put it back in it's originate tank so it won't eat it's eggs

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14y ago

They have to be separated from one another. You can either move the fish or the eggs. If you move the eggs do not let them be exposed to the air.

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12y ago

Remove the snail eggs from the tank. Duhhh.(:

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13y ago

Gold fish dont need partner to lay eggs.

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Who cares for the baby goldfish?

Unless you remove the eggs from the main tank, or the fry have numerous hiding places that prevent the adults from eating them, the eggs are typically a meal long before a baby goldfish ever forms or hatches.

What will a female goldfish do after mating?

Well if she is not sepperated from her eggs she will begin eating them.

How long does a female common goldfish stay expectant?

Goldfish lay eggs which are fertilized and develop outside of their bodies so they are never really pregnant. If you mean that a goldfish is looking pregnant than it is either very sick or filling with eggs. She will soon lay her eggs and if no further action is taken she will then enjoy eating them.

Does a goldfish lays eggs?

Goldfish do lay eggs. The eggs will attach to something in the tank or bowl until they hatch.

Don't want the goldfish eggs?

Don't worry!!! Goldfish eat their own eggs!!! If you want the eggs, then you have to separate the mother from the eggs.

Are goldfish eggs supposed to be fuzzy?

If the goldfish eggs appear "fuzzy" then they are growing fungus.

How long does a goldfish stay with its mother?

Goldfish are not livebearers so they are never truly prenant. After the female goldfish lays her eggs a nearby male will release a cloud of milt and fertilize the eggs. After this if the mother and father goldfish are not removed from the eggs the eggs will be eaten. So in short a goldfish does not and should not stay with its mother.

How does a goldfish have babies?

Goldfish lay eggs. These eggs attach to objects in the tank or pond, like leaves. They stay there until the goldfish fry hatch.

How do you know if the goldfish are having babies?

Your goldfish will eat a lot more. You would see lots of small white eggs sticking to the aquarium walls and fixtures. The ones that survive hatch into tiny frys. Eggs should be removed as soon as possible because the parent goldfish usually eat them up.

How long will a pond goldfish stay with her eggs?

Goldfish will start to eat their eggs once they have finished spawning them. They do not look after their eggs at all.

Do goldfish stay with their eggs?

fish do not stay with the eggs

Goldfish is getting eaten by other goldfish?

The only time a goldfish is eaten by another goldfish is when the parents breed and they have eggs.The eggs hatch then the parents eat them because they mistake them for lava or something.if ur fully grown gold fish is eating another fully grown golfish then its not a goldfish at all!!!!!!!!CHECK FOR THE BREED in other cases.