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Q: How do heavy machines take to the air?
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Which lubricant is used in heavy machines?

baxuite .

Which machines produce cool air?

The following machines produces cool air: Cool air fan/machine, air conditioner, ACM - Air cycle machines, Neopstar Air Cooler, Salveo, to name a few. Prices start from â£35.

What machines pollute the air?

Huge commercial building machines

Where can one find clean air machines?

Someone can find clean air machines from a number of companies such as Amazon. Amazon has a large selection of clean air machines from a number of different manufacturers.

Are there any easily portable sewing machines?

Sewing machines are very heavy. As such, there is no such thing as a portable sewing machine.

Simple machines for lifting heavy objects?

A pulley is the best way.

How does a very heavy jumbo jet take off?

because air resistance passes through the wings

How do Pneumatic Machines work?

Pneumatic machines are machines powered by compressed air. Air is compressed by a pump called a compressor, and the pressure is released as it does work, pushing on the pneumatic motors or pistons.

What objects use pneumatic systems?

One of the most common is the bus or heavy goods vehicle - fitted with air brakes. Similarly the brakes on trains. However there is a huge range of industrial tools, machines and control systems powered by compressed-air.

What systems use pneumatic systems?

One of the most common is the bus or heavy goods vehicle - fitted with air brakes. Similarly the brakes on trains. However there is a huge range of industrial tools, machines and control systems powered by compressed-air.

When did the Greek engineers build machines that move heavy loads?

Never i lic it

When did Greek engineers build machines that move heavy loads?

Never i lic it