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When my wife had an anxiety attack (her first one), I had her use a paper bag and breath into it. I was talking to her the whole time and had her "only concentrate on her breathing". I then elevated her feet to keep her from possibly going into shock. Remember that anxiety attacks are a symptom; not a problem into themselves. You will likely need to seek professional help to get at the underlying issue that caused the attack in the first place. The causes can vary from major amounts of stress to certain forms of psychosis. Don't worry about that word "psychosis". Everyone has a psychosis, per Freud, it is only when you can no longer handle them that it becomes a problem. Good Luck!

Updated:: If anxiety attacks take over your life then you should seek medical help but if they're not interfering with your life there are a few things I've noticed that help you calm yourself. Taking deep and rhythmical breaths, walking around whether it's your house or neighborhood, listen to calming music, light a candle, or watch your favorite TV show. Not all anxiety lasts and most attacks are only 10 to 30 minutes. They're usually hereditary also. I've done a lot of looking up on this because I suffer anxiety attacks often but they don't really interrupt my life just a few moments of anxiousness. :) Hope this helps as well!
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15y ago

I have anxietty attacks often, and was looking for a way to get over them. While looking on the iternet I found an article, in the text toolbar type in: how to get over anxiety attacks then type in Joe Barry hes ideas really work, trust me.

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13y ago

Talk to them slowly and calmly, assure them it is doing them no harm, and it will pass, stay with them until it passes (rarely longer than 15-20 minutes). If possible, get them to walk with you, preferably outdoors.

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Since a symptom of an anxiety attack is hyperventilation, as long as the breaths are slow, deep, controlled breathing it can help reduce an anxiety attack.

How does someone overcome anxiety?

There are over 100 million of people who have anxiety attack in the US alone. NO one really now what some people have it more than others. And some people can handle the anxiety better than others. To answer your question is first how bad of anxiety attack do you have. Lot time doing a simple plan an A.B.C plan can help you what is an A.B.C plan A. What you want to do this your mine PlanB. Your back up Plan this for you if mine plan get change.C Your emergency plan this for if something go wrong and you can plan though it with out having an anxiety attack.And if it really bad than go get help by seeing an doctor

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There are lot of self help available. We need to be specific on what kind of mental help is it panic attack, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar,depression any way we have this blog to get some help

What should I do if someone I am with appears to be having a panic attack?

The best thing to do when someone is having a panic attack is to try to calm them done. Tel them to relax their muscles and become less tense. Then you should try to help with slowing down their breathing.

Where are the physical symptoms of anxiety?

Catching the first signs of anxiety can help you to avoid a panic attack. Two physical symptoms of anxiety are muscle tension and even possible numbness.

When someones having a panic attack do you put your hands over their mouth?

Only place your hands in or near someones mouth if you would like to be bitten. If someone is having a panic attack you should just help them sit or lie down in a relaxing quiet place.

What are some ways to stop having a panic attack?

I, myself, have a history of anxiety attacks and I found that the best help, for me, was to take a 1mg alprazolam (Xanax). It makes my panic/anxiety disappear within 10 minutes. However, alprazolam is a prescribed medication, so you would have to go see a doctor in order to get a prescription.

Is there therapy or treatments that can help you with having anxiety attacks?

Well, anxiety is when a person gets really nervous, and gets a weird feeling in their stomach. However, if they relax, the anxiety will most likely go away.

Im a 21 years old boy I visited a heart centre Now i have a pain in my heart side Im i going to have a heart attack I have anxiety And i nonstop get worried?

When you are having anxieties that are extreme, you should visit with your doctor to get help to control it.

How do you get help for someone with mental health issues?

You should understand what anxiety and panic attacks are in order to be able to assist panic attack sufferer or simply to know how to help panic attacks.When someone is having a panic attack, your first step is to talk to them. If you can, try to determine the cause of the attack and find out if the person had previously suffered from panic attacks. Try to inquire about the cause of panic attack and ask them if they use some medication or panic attack relief techniques. If they do, help them to use these panic attacks help techniques now.If possible, take the panic attack sufferer to a silent place away from distress. One trick in how to help panic attacks is to talk to the victim to take their mind of the panic attack as soon as possible.

Train my attack on rs?

By training your attack you increase the chance of hitting a npc. having a good attack def and strength help your character to be good

Do I have PTSD I didn't know because I had some symptoms but can you get PTSD by witnessing someone being struck by lightning?

You could get PTSD from someone being struck by lightning if you were there for the eperience I guess. I have PTSD from someone abusing me a lot of my childhood, symptoms including agitation when having an attack, wanting to be isolated, avoiding the person at all costs, nightmares and night terrors, depression, and a lot of anxiety. There are more symptoms, so if you think you may have it, you may want to go see your doctor or look up ways to help when having attacks. Hope this helped.