

How do hermit crabs look when they come out there shell?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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they look like they have 5 little fingers that have points a small claw and 2 one inch high eyes

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Q: How do hermit crabs look when they come out there shell?
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There are many types of crabs in the sea.Most of them have shells made out of chitin.however hermit crabs have shells made out of calcium carbonate where do the shells come from?

Hermit crabs are scavengers. Litterally. They scavange for food and they scavange for houses. When they outgrow their old shell they look for a larger abandoned shell. Their shell is not grown by them. It used to belong to a shellfish.

How do you tell what gender your hermit crab is if it won't come out of its shell?

in the very back section of your hermit crabs back look to see if it has 4 holes if it does its a girl if not a boy

Dose a hermit crab fall completely out of its shell?

Hermit crabs can. It happens when the hermit crab is changing its shell and falls over or when the hermit crab is dead it slides out or falls out of its shell! Sadly they can't always get back in there shells and die.

What do gonopores look on hermit crabs?

If your hermit crab will come far enough out of it's shell, you can see under its legs, if there's 2 small dots, your crab is a female, if there isn't then its a male. Hope this helps! :)

Will hermit crabs live without a shell?

no because they cant live without their shell

How do hermit crabs urinate?

Hermit crabs do not 'go to the bathroom'. In other words hermit crabs DO NOT POO. I have had hermit crabs, and I know they definitely don't poo. Hermit crabs use all the energy and nutrients from their food and turn it into vitamins for the body. Hermit crabs are great pets, as there is no stinky poo to clean out!!!

How many species of hermit crab is there?

hermit crabs have 10 only see 6 because the other 4 are inside the shell holding it on. They are much smaller and look quite different from the visible legs. Two of their legs have pincers, while 4 are walking legs.

How do you make a hermit crab look at you?

i have 2 hermit crabs and they some times come here's how .well there's 2 ways you pick them up by the back of the shell and wait until there legs sort of spread out and when they are on the ground you can blow on them mostly aim at the bottom circle if you can.

How do you know if hermit crab sheds?

When a hermit crab sheds you will see something come out of the shell and it looks like its dead it only sheds halfway and if you look inside the shell it will still be there.

Where do you look 4 land hermit crabs eggs at?

Land hermit crabs lay their eggs and carry them in their shell until they are ready to hatch. A female crab will be holding them on the sides of her abdomen and they are quite easy to spot because there are so many of them. She will release them in the ocean when they are ready.

How can you tell the difference between a land and a marine hermit crab?

You can tell a land hermit crab from a water hermit crab by looking at the claws/arms or legs. If it is a water crab it will be blueish and if land crab it will be pinkish purpleish. If your crab is a water crab don't just throw it in water and leave it there, put a tiny bowl in it's tank or cage that is low to the ground and make sure that the water level is a bit lower than the hermit crabs top of its legs. Also have a wet sponge for each kind of hermit crab in the crabs tank.

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