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Much like any other agriculture animal provide a suitable enclosed hive body (boxes).

Feeding with sugar syrup and pollen substitute.

Bee survive in the center dead trees as long as they have stored enough honey.

Workers do not poop during very cold weather. When the daytime temperature gets over 50, each bee leaves the hive, poops, and goes back inside.

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What are people who handle bee hives?

If they purposefully have the bees to collect honey, Bee Keepers.

Do bee keepers use smoke to calm the bees down?


Where does a honey bee live in a bee hive in a tree?

They are no longer native to America do to the over infestation of Verona mites and also the africanized subspecies. Honey bees are only found in the backyards of bee keepers.

What are some common uses for bees?

My family have been bee keepers since before I was born. We just used them for honey though. Below is a web site about the common bees wasps and yellow jackets that are found in North America

Who practices Bee Venom Therapy?

Some physicians practice BVT, but the majority of those Seeking treatment rely on lay practitioners, bee keepers, themselves, or a partner, who is taught to use the bees.

What is the plural form of bee?

bee's eg the bee's wings - the wings of the (one) bee

Is bees singular or plural?

"bees" is the plural of "bee." One bee, many bees.

How do people interact with killer bees?

Killer bees are prolific honey producers and were un naturaly breed and designed by man as such. In central and south amarican countries bee keepers have learned to work this breed of honey be by trial and error. As a general rule the better a breed of honey bee is at producing honey the more aggressive it is. It has been found that Africanized bees are more sensitive to the colors that the bee keeper wears and even to the darkness of the screen on a beekeepers vail. Because of this keepers of Africanized bees are sure to wear bright clothing and have valid with white screening. Africanised bees have to be worked quickly and skillfully and apiaries are keept far away from residences or potential human interaction.

Who would win a killer bee or a honeybee?

The Africanized honey bees (aka killer bee) is a more aggressive bee than the regular honey bee. The "killer bee" was created by cross breeding the African Honey Bee with various European Honey Bees. The fear many Bee Keepers feared when it was discovered that the "killer" bee's were heading to the U.S. was safety for their honey bee's. Since the Africanized honey bee was/is more aggressive. Therefore because of the intense aggression, the answer to your question would more than likely be the "killer bee" would win.

Why are bees social bees?

To quote Shakespeare: "To bee or not to bee [social], that is the question."

Why are beekeepers not stung very often?

Bee keepers are trained so that they learn tricks to avoiding stings. They have smoke that puts the bees to sleep. They wear nets to protect themselves.

Do bees hurt bee boy?

No because he is a bee and he can't get stung from the other bees