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Q: How do honey fungi obtain their nutrient?
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Is dead organisms a nutrient source for fungi?

yes dead organisms is a nutrient source for fungi!!! ofcourse it is, .... or is it! O_o

How many Fungi are there in Antarctica?

There are no fungi growing on Antarctica: it's too cold and there is no nutrient source for this botany.

Why is nutrient agar used for bacteria and not for fungi?

The components in the nutrient agar is enriching bacteria than fungi. fungus require additional nutrients which are formulated in fungal media. But in worst case, you can try either media for fungi or bacteria.

Do fungi obtain or makes it's own food?

No they do not obtain there food

Do fungi obtain food?

They have hyphae which are like roots to obtain their food.

Why they say that fungi had a lack of chlorophyll?

Fungi are hetrotrophic organisms. They obtain C from other organisms

Is it necessary to cook the nutrient broth?

To destroy any competitors for the broth, fungi and bacteria.

Why not feed honey to an infant?

There are yeasts/ fungi that can grow in honey- babies have not yet developed defenses against them. It can be very unhealthy to feed honey to babies.

Do fungi obtain food from another source?


Do bacteria obtain food and reproduce the way fungi do?


How do fungi obtain their food energy?

Throughgh the hyphae.

How does fungi obtain its nutrients?

it breaks things down