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Well, oil is bad for the environment. it contains chemicals that puts stress on the coral reefs around the world. the chemicals (when dumped) seep through the reefs and the plants which can kill them. this is why we need to be careful when doing stuff like that ;) hope that helped

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Q: How do human actives put stress on coral reefs?
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Coral reefs begin to form when free-swimming coral larvae attach to submerged rocks. Both natural conditions and those created by man is what make coral reefs vulnerable to environmental stress.

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coral reefs are destructed because the other human getting coral reefs to sell us a tourist spot or souvenirs to have money

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no dolphins are not in coral reefs.

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There are no coral reefs IN California

Where does the name coral reef come from?

The reason they are called Coral Reef is because there are lots of coral in those locations, and they are also called coral reefs or reefs of coral reefs of coral too.

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Pollution is a natural threat to coral reefs.