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Q: How do humans react when they see aliens?
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How humans react with the alien?

We have not yet made contact with any aliens.

Why don't aliens won't kill humans?

"Why wont aliens kill humans" ... Theyre afraid.

How do humans react to griffins?

Griffins are mythological and fantasy creatures and do not exist. If you see one then your reaction should be to see your doctor

If aliens are real are humans just aliens to them?

'Aliens' are real. In any given country, a foreigner may be described as an Alien.

Did aliens bring humans?

no, they did not.

If one day our people have gone to the other planet where living things exist what will we do?

Are you talking humans, aliens, or plants? Humans: Try to make peace? Aliens: Unknown. Plants: It would be a miracle, we would study them and see if they are safe. -- I have you answers.

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Afghans are not aliens. They are humans just like everyone else.

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Aliens didn't build the pyramids, actual humans did that.

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No aliens are known to exist, so your question is unanswerable.

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How did humans get in contact with aliens?

Aliens are not known to actually exist, so your question is unanswerable.