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Q: How do hydrogen bonds compare with other inter molecular forces?
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What it the bond strength of hydrogen bonds?

HYDRO the whole question is to order the following inter molecular forces by increasing strength of bonds: covalent bonds ionic bonds- london dispersion forces dipolar forces hydrogen bonds metallic bonds

How do hydrogen bounds compare with other intermolecular forces?

Hydrogen bonds are much stronger than other intermolecular forces.

How does hydrogen bond occur in water in one molecule?

Hydrogen bonds are INTER-molecular polar forces, not INTRA-molecular bonds.More on chemical bonds, cf. 'Related links', just below this answer.

How do hydrogen bonds compare with other intermolecular forces?

Hydrogen bonds are stronger than dipole-dipole and Van der Waals forces.

What property does water show when the molecules are attracted to each other?

Hydrogen Bonds (not actual bonds but strong inter-molecular forces)

What is a result of intermolecular forces out of covalent bonds hydrogen bonds electronegativity double bonds?

hydrogen bonds

What distinguishes hydrogen bonds from covalent bonds?

Hydrogen bonds are betweem molecules and are weak forces.

What type of bond does NH3 have?

Intra molecular bonds are covalent.Inter molecular bonds are Hydrogen.

Is Hydrophobic interactions are stronger than hydrogen bond?

Hydrophobic interactions are repulsive and hydrogen bonds are attractive forces. So, not sure hydrophobic interaction is classified as a "force" but rather and "interaction". Hydrogen bonds are relatively strong forces. It's really difficult to compare hydrophobic interaction with hydrogen bond because they are sort of opposite.

What is responsible for the high boiling point of water?

The greater the forces of attraction, higher the boiling point or the greater the polarity the higher the boiling point. Water having strong molecular forces between water molecules makes the force, this force holds one water molecule to the next. The inter-molecular forces between water are called hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonds are special type of dipole-dipole force that exists between an electronegative atom and a hydrogen atom bonded to another electronegative atom. It takes a lot more kinetic energy in an increased temperature to break the hydrogen bonds to free the water molecules as the gas making higher boiling points. Its ability to form Hydrogen Bonds with itself.

Is HF molecular?

It is considered that hydrogen fluoride has covalent bonds.

In a polymer very long chains of molecules are held together by very strong molecular bonds what are these forces called?

The bonds are called covalent molecular bonds.