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Q: How do i compare Britain and the 13 colonies in the mid-1700s?
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Who won the American Revolutionary War the 13 colonies or Great Britain?

13 colonies

What country controles the 13 colonies?

Great Britain.

The 13 colonies were founded and controlled by which European country until 1776?

The 13 colonies were founded and controlled by Great Britain until 1776.

What European country controlled the 13 American colonies?

Great Britain.

What country ruled the original 13 American colonies?

Great Britain ruled the 13 original American Colonies.

Who owned the 13 colonies in 1750?

Great Britain

What are the colonist?

people that belonged to great Britain and its 13 colonies

What European county established the 13 colonies?

Great Britain.

How many colonies rebelled against Britain?

13The original 13

What geographically separated Great Britain from 13 British Colonies?

The Atlantic Ocean separates Great Britain from America and the thirteen British colonies

How did the 13 colonies cut-their ties with Britain?

They officially declared their independence.

The 13 original states were colonies of what European nation?

Great Britain