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Well if she doesn't like rodents, guinea pigs don't really look like them. If that helps. But problem is guinea pigs can't really live full time outside.

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Q: How do i convince my mom that guinea pigs can live outside She says she doesnt like them living outside but i really want to get one and there is no space inside?
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What do you do if your guinea pig is socked?

if your guinea pig is socked help it dry with a towle and take it inside if it is outside.

Your guinea pig is outside and its five days should it be inside or outside?

In winter, your guinea pig should be indoors. Ask someone to help you search for it.

Where do pet animals live?

It depends on the pet: dog in a kennel outside, or in a dog basket inside. Cat is usually kept indoors. Rabbit and guinea pig in a hutch or pen outside, or in the case of a guinea pig (and a hamster) in a cage inside.

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Because gum doesnt stick to wet surfaces. the inside of your mouth is wet whereas the outside is dry.

Can guinea pigs sleep outside?

Guinea pigs can stay "outside" as long as they have a hutch of cage that is raised off the ground and may provide shelter for them if it starts to rain, ect. If you are choosing to have a pet guinea pig, It is best to keep them inside if you have the time to clean out their cage 2-3 times a week. If your looking for a low maintence pet, you could always keep them outside. This will affect its behaviour, and I reacently had a guinea pig that died of fright from a snake in our yard. Now I keep all my guinea pigs inside.

How long can a guinea pig live inside for?

There average lifespan i s 5 to 7 years. The above does not address the question. A guinea pig can live inside its entire life, as long as its cage and surroundings are kept clean. If you live in a cold area, it is better to keep your guinea pig inside as they do not tolerate cold very well. A guinea pig is happier living outside in warm temperate regions of the world. Guinea-pigs are grazing animals, which is why they particularly enjoy grazing on the grass outside.

What should you use to stop earwigs getting in and nesting in your guinea pig's outside cage which will not harm him?

You should not keep the cage outside anyway. I suggest getting a new cage and keeping it inside. It may be cold for your guinea pig outside. If you didn't keep the cage outside earwigs would not have got to it.

At what age can guinea pigs live outside?

guinea pigs have very limited lifespans outside as they are susceptible to respiratory infections in the cold and DO NOT handle heat well. i would suggest getting your guinea pigs inside and if you cannot please surrender them to an animal shelter that can provide them the life they deserve. recent research has proven that even rabbits (who are much heartier than guinea pigs) should NOT be kept outside.

Why does closing windows reduce heat transfer?

because it doesnt allow heat to get inside or outside, depending on the season

Where can you find bible verses about inner beauty?

3Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. 4Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. it honestly doesnt matter what you look on the outside,its all in the inside. what you are outside doesnt determine who you are inside. what you are inside determines what you do on the outside.

Can you eat the outside of an orange or is it unhealthy?

No it doesnt do anything good for you the inside does! So there is no point in eating it its taste nasty anyways.

Well is she ugly or cute?

it doesnt matter how they look on the outside it's how they are in the inside! Just be who you are and don't try to be somebody else!