

How do i crop my puppies ear?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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You need to ask a vet. Many people now don't think it should be done.

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Q: How do i crop my puppies ear?
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Is there anything that can fix a 4 month old pit bull puppies ears if they are cropped off entirely too short you can see his inner ear?

No, this is why you don't crop the ears!

How do you crop a dog's ear?

take it to the vet. period.

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What kind of ear cropp is better for a pitbull?

This is really a matter of personal opinion as this is really only a cosmetic operation. There are generally four accepted styles of ear crop for Pit Bulls: the Battle Crop, Short Crop, Show Crop and Long Crop. The Battle Crop involves removing the entire of the outer ear and, as its name suggests, is usually seen on Dogs destined for the pit. The Short Crop is one of the most common crops seen on Pit Bulls and involves leaving only a small amount of the outer ear intact. The Show Crop is for owners who want to show their Dogs and involves the ears being shortened slightly and cut into the desired pointed shape so that the Dog looks smart and alert for the show ring. The Long Crop is quite rarely seen on Pit Bulls and takes the longest to heal, it involves leaving the ear as long as possible and only trimming what is needed to give a nice pointed shape. So, it is up to you.

Do have to tape a pit bull ears after ear cropping if its a short or show crop?

Cropping is illegal in the UK and should be in the US, it's cruel and pointless. Crop and tape your own ears.

When do you crop a dobermann pincher?

Most puppies are cropped between 10 and 12 weeks of age but it can vary depending on the weight, size and health of the puppy. Your veterinarian will advise you on the best age to crop your puppy.

What breed of pitbull has short ears?

Some people prefers the ears uncut but most prefer the ear low-cut like me. They are suposed to look like you want. There are various type of ear crops depending on the length you want them: battle crop, short crop, show crop, and long crop.

Where to crop your pitbulls ears in Australia?

Ear cropping is illegal in all of Australia, but it is still legal in most of America and Canada.

At what age can puppies hear?

All puppies are born deaf, their ear canals are not open. The canals start to open at about 10 days old. As soon as the canals are open a puppies hearing is very accurate.

Why are puppies ears not open when they are born?

A puppies ear canals are sealed. It takes them about ten days after being born for their ears to finish development. After this, the canals will open on their own. The puppies hearing will be very acute as soon as this happens. Another reason is that dogs have very keen hearing, when they are little, the sounds would be deafening if they could hear them.

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Joanna's Lost Crop (50qp) [Novice]Begins: Joanna, resident of CarrottonItems Needed: NoneJoanna has lost her Riding Crop. Head south to the right "ear" and rake in the cotton. The cotton patch has three sections. Rake in the westernmost part of the middle section. Return to Joanna.Reward: $3000

Does it hurt dog went their ear get cropped?

Of course it hurts! Do not crop dog's ears! Don't listen to them, you can have a dogs ears cropped. Obviously it does hurt them, but that is okay.