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I often look for movies that I can only remember a few details about. I usually start with Google (but I'm sure most search engines will give the same results) and plug in variations of the info I remember; something like 'movie character Mary 1940s'. It usually takes a couple of variations. For example, Mary is too common but I remember there was a long scene in a wheat field so I try '1940s movie wheatfield'. It's helpful when I can remember at least one of the actors, say someone like Walter Brennan, even though he was a supporting actor. Then what I ask for is 'Walter Brennan movies' and a number of sites come up with lists of Walter Brennan movies and I'll look at those and can usually find the one I want. I will then Google the title. When Google gives me recent movies and I know that it was a movie from thirties or forties, I know that I'll need another way.

One of the regular sites that comes up in these general inquiries is, which has it's own search engine. This is a good site to search. When you plug in something like Walter Brennan, it will give you a list of his work, even TV and plays, etc. Another site you will often get is Wikipedia; this is a valuable resource also because an inquiry like Walter Brennan will give you movie titles that are links to that movie and you can click that and quickly see if that's the one you want and quickly return to Walter Brennan if it's not. The site also allows you to do that. Wikipedia is very efficient when looking for lists of winners of awards like best actress or song nominees, etc. I sometimes even resort to YouTube, you never know what you'll find there. I recently went there to find some info for a Bob Fosse inquiry and got lost for two hours watching videos. That also happened one day when I was researching a George Burns, Gracie Allen question; so use caution when entering that site.

A really round about way I use is when I remember that a certain actor, who's name I can't remember, was in the movie I'm looking for but I remember that she was also in, say 'The Rains Came', I will call up that movie, find the name of that actor, get a list of her movies and search them.

When all else fails, I go to (I save this until all else fails because I am such a movie buff, I can get lost in that site for hours). You have to be more specific than with Google, but if you have something, like Walter or perhaps one word from the title, you may be able to find it. It will give you a list relating to your inquiry which you can review, click on a possibility and quickly return to the list if that isn't the right one. I frequently use; it doesn't always give me what I'm looking for, but it does more often than not.

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I don't know if this is the one you are looking for, but it was made in 1946 called The Searching Wind, starring Robert Young and Sylvia Sydney as 'Cassie'. I found this one by going to the Turner Classic Movies site, and typing the name Cassie in the inquiry box. It came up with a list of eleven movies with a character named Cassie (first link below); only this one was made in the 1940s. I clicked on the title and it brings up the information on that movie (second link below). I frequently use; it doesn't always give me what I'm looking for, but it does more often than not.

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Q: How do i find the title of a movie that i saw as a child can only remember the main character's name was Cassie and some scenes of a film from the early '40s and seen on TV in the '60s?
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Has karan wahi given a nude scene?

No he hasn't . He has only give shirtless scenes

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In the movie An Affair to Remember (1957) the 5 year old child that was stuck in the railing was Brian Corcoran (1951) American child actor and producer.

Can children watch criminal minds?

It depends on how protective you are of your child. Criminal Minds has some graphic scenes (crime scenes).My daughter is 11 though and she seems to really enjoy it. It's rated 14A (in Canada at least).

Is Teen Wolf appropriate for a 12 year old?

There are SOME parts where there are intimate scenes with characters, and sometimes there are parts where language is used etc., depending on how strict the parent(s) is, it is up to them whether or not they find it appropriate or not, overall, it's not THAT bad.

Should a child of 10 watch a PG rated movie unsupervised?

No a child of 10 should not be watching a PG rated movie alone as there are words and scenes which might need to be explained or need to be educated on with their child in regards to respecting others through words or deed.

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