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If the two females are currently fighting then I would advise you to separate them.

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Q: How do i keep 2 female Russian dwarf hamster's in the same cage without them fighting?
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Should I get male Russian Hamsters or Female Russian Hamsters Which Is Better?

Get a female hamster as they look white and cute and the first thing that they are a lot more active than the male russians. They often climb on the treadmill and they keep themselves fit. Also they are less aggressive.

How do you make male and female hamsters stop fighting?

Unfortunately there's nothing you can do except for separating them.

Can female hamsters hafe babies without male hamsters?

Male hamsters cannot give birth to a baby.

Some say separate male from female hamsters in case they breed early age but on the other hand putting male and female hamsters together will fight So what is the next best thing to do?

sometimes fighting is natural my baby hamsters fight but IT COULD GET PREGANANT!

Can female hamsters be pregnant without a male?

No. Hamsters, like all mammals, require sexual reproduction in order to get pregnant.

Why do 2 female hamsters keep fighting when they are together they used to live together but started fighting and hurting each other.?

they only fight when they are in heat it is normal

What kinds of female hamsters can be put together?

Russian hamster,Chinese Dwarf hamster and that's all.You can find Chinese dwarf,Russian,bear,short hair,and the syrian hamsters at eather Pet Smart or That Fish Place That Pet Place.

Why when you put fluff in your hamsters cage one of the females started to attack the other female hamster?

they are fighting over it . the one female does not want the other one to get it

Can you put 2 dwarf Russian hamsters and a female in the same cage safely?

you can't because they would fight and eat each others face to impress the female.

Do female hamsters hump other female hamsters?

Yes, hamsters get pregnant through sexual reproduction.

Can you put a female and a male hamsters with out them fighting?

after birth or befor birth i don't know if after yes if befor no they just mate in love

Can a female Russian Dwarf Hamster mate with a male winter white dwarf hamster?

There are two kinds of Russian Hamsters: Winter White and Campbells. They may be able to breed with each other.