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You don't know, there's no way to tell; there's no little test. But if you think he is - here's the question: Does it matter to you? Do you want to stay with him or not? Is he nice or a jerk? It's really your decision alone in the end. Honestly, though, what if you ditched him and he was just really reserved and had a hard time expressing how he felt? Maybe if he's nice you should give it time and see. If he smacks you, insults you on purpose or something deliberate like that though, you should definitely ditch him. In a heartbeat, chicky, you don't need a jerk. Sorry.

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Q: How do i know if my boyfriend is emotionally empty and what do i do about it if he is?
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Emotionally empty or mentally blank.

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She would appreciate you being there to give her support. Ask her out, spend time with her. Let her know you care about her. If the boyfriend is abusing her tell her she could get out of the relationship and get help.

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Let him know he is hurting you emotionally. Use the right words for him to understand.

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Because you are probably not in love with your mate. Because you have no soul.

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The same way a girl can be abused by her boyfriend: Physically; Mentally; Emotionally.

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You don't know. It also depends on if you have ever met him/her in real life or not. Because what they might be saying over the Internet could just be empty words.

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There isn't really an age that it's best to have a boyfriend just make sure you are mature and emotionally ready to have a boyfriend and that your comfortable with any situation that might come your way.

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look a pet helps u emotionally by the way u are alone so if u dont have a girl/boyfriend then it might be helpful to get a pet to not be lonely.

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Don't be an idiot. Leave. Now.

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To make Protestant chruches seem emotionally empty