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Get a set of digital kitchen scales and put the marshmallows on one by one until you have 8oz

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Q: How do i measure dry mini marshmallows into 8 ounces?
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Related questions

How many dry ounces are in a cup of mini marshamllows?

about one ounce

Is ice cream measured in ounces or fluid ounces?

ounces. dry measure.

How do I measure 8 ounces dry macaroni?

you can do that on a scale :)

How many ounces is 45.5 kilograms in dry measure?

45.5 kilograms = 1 604.96527 ounces

How many millimetres in a dry ounce?

Millimeters measure distance. They cannot be converted to dry ounces.

How many cups equal16 ounces dry measure?

That is 2 cups.

How many milliliter in on dry oz?

This cannot be sensibly answered. Milliliters (mL) is a measure of volume, dry ounces are a measure of weight or mass.

Can you dry marshmallows?


How do you calculate 15 percent by volume of two cups dry measure?

The words "dry measure" complicate and confound the question somewhat. There is no such thing as a dry cup. But there is a dry pint and a liquid pint. And since you said TWO cups dry measure, that implies a dry pint. One dry pint is equal to about 18.6 fluid ounces. (A liquid pint [US] is equal to 16 fluid ounces.) So, multiply 18.6 by 0.15 (15 percent) to get 2.79 ounces, or slightly more than two and three-quarters ounces. 15 percent of 16 is 2.4 ounces.

How many pounds is 75 million ounces?

The first answer is incorrect. Fluid ounces is a liquid measure, ounces is weight or mass. 75,000,000 ounces is 4,687,500 pounds.

How many liquid ounces of milk are equal to 15 ounces of dry milk?

According to US Bureau of Standards, in the kitchen, dry and liquid measure is the same.

How many ounces of dry measure equal 1 quart?

We have to remember here that a fluid quart is a measure of VOLUME while a dry ounce is a measure of WEIGHT. So, the number of dry ounces in a quart will depend on the material. Consider that a quart of feathers will not weigh the same as a quart of lead, so quarts of each will contain different numbers of dry ounces.