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Public opinion within any environment, is formed on the basis of what the news media chooses to publish or to analyze. Editorial views in the media may be conflicting ones. With that said, it may prove difficult for the public to reach a fair opinion over any type of issue. Even hearing a politician in person give a speech does not guarantee that what is said is true. And also whether what is said will be carried out.

Even in closed societies, the news or Propaganda from a government may not be believed by all of the people listening to it.

And, the fact is that some public opinions are reached by hearing or reading about the results of public opinion polls. As an example, if the news media consensus and public opinion polls all indicate that a certain person will be elected, it may persuade a person from not voting as the candidate of choice seems unbeatable in an election.

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Individuals may be influenced to form political opinions based on many factors.

National and local media information may lead an individual to take a political stance for or against a political idea. TV and newspapers are a source of information on political issues.

Social media in the form of Twitter or Face Book among other sources can also help an individual form their political ideas.

Fellow workers at the workplace can also be a source of opinions.

Chatting with one's neighbors can be a source of information that may either sustain or change an individuals political views.

If an individual is enrolled in college, the exchange of political views can help be formed.

An individuals prior higher education courses can sustain or change a person's views.

Reading political books and political science and political philosophy books can render more ideas and different ways of looking at issues.

If an individual pays attention to views expressed by their church, it may provide new information that helps to form political views.

A person's economic status is another ingredient that can provide the basis of political views.

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