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Q: How do insects help to clean up rubbish?
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What happens to insects when they die?

they might get pick up and get putted in rubbish

Why did ian kiernan come up with clean up Australia day?

There was too much rubbish in Australia

Why do people throw away the rubbish?

Because it clutters up your house and yard, and some can draw rats and insects. Some of it, however, can be recycled.

How can people help clean up Kamilo Beach?

Yes you can always help clean up trash anywhere .. < -

How could you help protecting eels?

by putting up a sign to say that you are not to put rubbish in our waterways

What does restaurant crew member mean?

Their duties are to do food preparation and to go around and clean up any rubbish on tables and floor.

How do people clean up an oil spill?

we can help clean the oil spill by volunteering to help clean the animals who have oil on them.

How do you delete rubbish on the sims 2?

Either have a sim clean it up or press Control-Shift-C, then type moveObjects on, then you can go to buy or build mode and select the rubbish and delete it like you would anything else.

What is clean up Australia's mission statement?

clean up australia and help australia get cleaner

Give three exampels of how you can serve and help clean up youre school or community?

You can recycle, clean up garbage and help old people.

How much rubbish does a rubbish truck pick up in a week?

none there lazy=]

What are these tiny insects that fly around your face when you sleep?

The smallest common flying insects are gnats. Make sure to clean up foods and garbage and use screens on windows.