

How do jellyfish react to the dark?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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13y ago

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some do some dont

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Q: How do jellyfish react to the dark?
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How do jellyfish react to their predator?

they sting em

How do jellyfish react to new surroundings?

get a life hobo

Why do jellyfish react to outside changes?

because im awesome oh yeeeah

Do glowing jellyfish live in dark places?

Not necessarily, but they could.

How do jellyfish react outside changes?

they cant because they cant go outside get a life

What kind of organism is a corn plant with a jellyfish gene that allows it to glow in the dark?

It is a transgenic organism. The jellyfish gene enables it to do something that corn plants do not normally do, due to the foreign gene (jellyfish gene) being spliced into it.

Do jellyfish use special senses?

Jellyfish can detect vibrations, scent, and with the use of their eyes, light, dark and movement. They have an organ called a statocyst that allows them to orient their position.

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Methane does not react with chlorine in the dark.

What effect does an ecplipse have on deer?

None. They react to this phenomenon just as they would react to a very cloudy and dark day.

What would you use if you got stung by a jellyfish and why?

The best thing to use is vinegar. The chemicals in it react with the sting. Wet sand also works.

How do you make a glow in the dark monkies?

Making glow in the dark animals consists of inserting a gene from an animal that normally expresses flourescence (a jellyfish, for instance) into the genome of another organism.

How does a jellyfish know what they are doing with no brain?

Essentially, we would presume that a jellyfish would not know or think about what it's doing. A jellyfish would go on its instincts. You have to remember that a jellyfish still has neurons, but it will not have a center of control of these neurons (which we call the brain). Thus, the jellyfish would not think to attack another fish and eat it, its neurons will simply react to the closeness of a fish and engage the jellyfish in this behaviour of killing and eating its pray. It is done pretty automatically. However, I do not know if the jellyfish would be able to learn with no brain. It can adapt to the environment, but can we make it learn specific behaviours?? So basically jellyfish are like robots, they run on autopilot.