

Best Answer

1- You can give a parent a good massage

2- Do chores. Also do a good job on them

3- You can ask for allowance increase

4- You can be very nice to your parents

5- Get good grades, and when you show your parents your report card, ask if you can have money for the good job

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Q: How do kids earn money from their parents?
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Can schools earn things from uniforms?

They earn money from the parents buying the uniform.

What is good about kids allowances?

money money money The things that is good about kids allowances is : a)Once the parents give the kids their allowance the kids can buy whatever they want and don't have to ask their parents for money because they got it. b)Another thing is that the kids work for the money so the parents can't get mad about they just giving them money for nothing, their not.

What did Shakespeare's parents do to earn money?

His father was a glove maker

Why kids should buy what they want with their own money?

if they want something they have to earn it. they need to earn the money then buy the thing they want. they need to learn how to earn money and how to survive in an economic crysis.

How do most people from Florida earn money?

by working stupid kids

Are paper routes still a good idea for kids to earn money?

Yes, as they encourage kids towards self-suffience. Paper routes demostrate the benefits of hard work and let them earn some money for themselves.

What is the best way to ask your parents for money?

Ask your parents if you can clean the house, mow the lawn, or fix some thing for them to earn some money!!!!

How do kids get money?

Kids (I usually think of kids as under the age of 13) can earn money by doing simply things like mowing the lawn for other people or the parents. Really, a kid can't work until fourteen where he/she can work small jobs like pushing carts around at supermarkets or being a buss boy.

How can kids save money?

usally a piggy bank is good. if the parents have the piggy aka and the children give the parents the money it will be better

How much money do parents spend on presents for kids in the US?

they spend about $500,000,000,099 on their kids in the US.

What ways are there for kids to earn money around the neighborhood?

There are many ways kids can earn money around the neighborhood. Some of these ways are mowing lawns, creating lemonade stands, car washes and bake sales with parental supervision of course.