

How do kids feel about uniforms?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Some kids love it because they don't have to worry about what they will wear to school.

Others hate it because they can't express themselves in a uniform.

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Q: How do kids feel about uniforms?
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Why do kids feel uncomfortable wearing uniforms?

Kids may feel uncomfortable wearing uniforms because they limit self-expression and individuality. Uniforms may also be perceived as boring or uncool compared to regular clothes. Additionally, some children may feel that uniforms are too restrictive or uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time.

Do Romanian kids wear uniforms to school?

only when they feel like it XD

Why don't school kids want to wear uniforms?

School kids may not want to wear uniforms because they feel it restricts their freedom of expression, limits their individuality, and may not align with their personal style preferences. Uniforms can also make students feel like they are conforming to a certain standard rather than being able to express themselves freely.

Why should not kids wear uniforms?

Even though this is more of an opinion question, one of the main reasons that majority of people feel that kids shouldn't wear uniforms is individuality. If they wear uniforms, they won't be able to express themselves.

Why do uniforms make kids so sad to where them?

Uniforms can make kids feel sad because they may feel like they are losing their individuality and self-expression. Being required to wear a uniform can also make kids feel restricted and limit their ability to express themselves through their clothing choices. Additionally, uniforms may be associated with negative connotations, such as a lack of freedom or creativity.

What kids like to wear uniforms?

none. no kids like to wear uniforms.

What percent of kids wear uniforms to school?

50 percent of kids were uniforms.

Can't kids wear whatever they want to in school?

Because kids should see how the adults feel when they have to wear uniforms in the work they do everywhere they go to.

What percentage of kids do not like school uniforms?

There is no definitive percentage as attitudes towards school uniforms can vary widely among children. Factors such as personal preference, comfort, and style can influence how kids feel about uniforms. Research suggests that some children may not like uniforms due to feeling restricted in their self-expression or individuality.

Why do kids hate uniforms?

Kids may not like uniforms because they restrict their freedom to express themselves through clothing. Uniforms can also be uncomfortable, not always fitting well or being made of materials that are not preferred by the child. Additionally, some children may feel like uniforms contribute to a lack of individuality and can make them feel like they are just conforming to rules.

About how many kids don't like school uniforms?

a lot of kids hate school uniforms

Where can i get cheap school uniforms for my kids?

You can get cheap school uniforms for your kids at They have alot of deals for school uniforms. Also Zappos and French Toast have cheap school uniforms.