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Carrot consumption, believe it or not!

Who cares i no how 2 stop it kill all Mexicans and all ugly swans (pigs) which is all the swans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the doctor help sick people better

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12y ago

Anyone gets the 'flu', or 'inFLUenza' by touching other people with the flu, or touching things like doorknobs that people with the flu have touched . . . and then touching those unwashed fingers to their eyes, inside the nose, mucous sex organs, and so forth. Flu is often caught by breathing the flu viruses that shoot out of people with the flu who are coughing and sneezing.

In flu season, wash hands often, being sure to scrub hard around the fingernails, skin creases, and particularly between the fingers. Using an antibiotic soap or scrub is not especially useful on viruses.

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Q: How do kids get the flu?
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Are kids with out the shot a target of the H1N1?

If the flu is out there and you have not had the shot there is an increased chance you will get the flu. Kids have a smaller ability to resist the flu than adults

How likely are you to get the H1N1 flu after your kids had it?

If you were born before 1975 you are not very likely to get H1N1 flu from anyone because you probably already had it. If you were born after 1975, you are very likely to get H1N1 flu from your kids or anyone else that has it.

Can a catch catch the flu from a human?

No a catch isn't an animal or human. Humans can catch the flu and polio. A lot of kids die from polio and the flu.

I think there's a swine flu epidemic going around in my school because hundreds of kids are missing class what are the symptoms of swine flu?

fever, chills, aches, all the flu stuff. vomiting & diarrhea for some people, mostly kids.

Can my coworker spread swine flu if her kids have it?

yes! it is very contagious!!

What should kids eat when the have the stomach flu?

Applesauce :D

What did Bloomberg business allow subjectivity and bias to appear in its article about the flu?

It quotes experts and facts related only to the economic impacts of the flu.

How does the flu shot make kids react?

there are millions of helpful answers on the NHS website :)

Who can get the Swine Flu?

The people who can get it are elderly people, kids baby's and well almost everyone.

What is causing the Swine Flu?

the swine flu is caused by pigs, but eating the pork doen't spread the flu to your body. the flu is also contaigious by speading from people to people. the government is also thinking to shut down the school, it the flu case becomes worse! Swine flu was first started when little kids were messing with insides of a pig. Now it is highly contages.

Should people that work in a daycare get flu shot?

yes, so you dont get what the kids have or give it to them.

How many days do school kids miss from flu?

It depends how sick/contagious they are most of the time.