

How do living thing contribute to the water cycle?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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A product of respiration is water. We exhale it with CO2 . this water helps form clouds. Humas evaporate water, it goes in the atmosphere. We have changed the atmosphere. As a result of global warming earth is heated up so then more water is evaporating. HUmera KAleem

Saudi Arabia

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Q: How do living thing contribute to the water cycle?
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wAter cYcle iS imp0rtAnt iNto Living tHings bEcaUse n0t becAuse of tHat wE cAn1t Live . ...

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The activities of living things, such as transpiration by plants and evaporation from animals, contribute to the water cycle by releasing water vapor into the atmosphere. Additionally, organisms play a role in the filtration and purification of water through processes like photosynthesis and digestion. Therefore, the activities of living things are essential for maintaining the balance and functioning of the water cycle.

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Water cycle increases humidity. It makes he air moist.

Do living organisms play a role in the water cycle?

Yes, living organisms play a role in the water cycle. Plants absorb water through their roots and release it through transpiration, adding water vapor to the atmosphere. Animals also contribute to the water cycle through respiration and excretion, returning water back to the environment.

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living things are part of the water cycle because when ur cooking or boiling water the sun evaporates the water and then the water cycle begins

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Water cycle is important for living organisms. It helps in recycling of water.

What is the value of water cycle of living things?

Water is one of the major ingredient of life. Thats why water cycle is important for living beings.

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It is called the ''Water Cycle''

How is the water cycle important to living thing?

Because all living things are mostly water.

What is the movement of water among the oceans atmosphere land and living things known as?

The movement of water among the oceans, atmosphere, land and living things is known as the 'water cycle' or 'hydrologic cycle'.

Which process describes how water cycles through living things and non living things?

The process that describes how water cycles through living things and non-living things is called the hydrologic cycle or water cycle.