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Q: How do low and high temperature affect an an enzyme activity?
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Why might enzyme's activity decrease at very high temperatures?

Enzymes activity is affected by temperature. At a very high temperature, enzymes became denature that means they lose their original shape, which is important for them to react. Thus, enzyme activity decreases at a very high temperature.

Can temperature affect enzymes?

Yes, temperature does affect the activity of enzymes. If the temperature increases too much, the enzyme can denature (unfold) itself which will move key amino acids necessary for enzymatic function away from each other, preventing enzymatic activity.

Some factors that may influence enzyme activity?

A low temperature can slow down enzyme activity and high temperatures can denature an enzyme making it unusable. pH levels also affect enzyme activity. Every cell has an ideal temperature and pH

How may enzymes be deactivated?

high temperature may denature enzyme activity by passing optimum temperature

Is temperature a factor that affects enzyme activity?

yes. at low temperature enzymes won't work as effectively, and at high temperature enzymes are denatured.

How does temperature affects activity?

The enzyme activity increases as the temperature rises due to the substrates colliding with the enzymes' active sites more frequently at higher temperatures. However, each enzyme has an optimum temperature as high temperatures denature enzymes.

What happens when enzyme reaches optimal temperature?

The optimal function of the enzyme is impeded and if the temperature rises too high the enzyme, mostly protein, will degrade and become useless.

How temperature and pH affect enzyme activity?

Temperature And Enzyme Activity: Increasing temperature means the molecules gain more kinetic energy and move faster resulting in more chances of successful collisions of enzymes and substrates forming enzyme-substrate molecules.

What can a fever slow down?

enzymes best function at optimum temperature for human body optimum temperature is 37 C, raise in optimum temperature affects the function of enzymes and with very high temperature enzyme activity ceases. high temperature also affects proteins resulting in protein structural changes. fever slow down the enzyme activity.

How do changes in pH and temperature affect the native confirmation of an enzyme?

Enzymes are quite easy to break.So if the pH is too acidic,then the enzyme might break.Therefore if the temperature is too high,the enzyme will also break.

What are the different factors that could affect the performance of an enzyme?

Several factors affect the rate at which enzymes work: temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, substrate concentration, and the presence of any inhibitors or activators.If the amount of the enzyme is kept constant and the substrate is then gradually increased, the reaction speed will increase.The rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction increases as the temperature is raised. But freezing will inactive the enzyme and a very high temperature will destroy the enzyme.Very high or low pH values will result in complete loss of activity for most enzymes.Enzyme inhibitors are substances which alter the action of the enzyme and consequently slow down, or in some cases, stop the reaction.

What are some factors that may influence enzyme activity?

Factors affecting enzyme activity1: Enzyme concentrationIf the quantity of enzyme is doubled, the enzymatic activity will also be doubled because more enzymes are now available to work. After a certain level of enzyme concentration, there will be no more increase in the enzymatic activity because all the substrate molecules are combined with an enzyme and the rate of reaction will stabilize.2: Substrate concentrationBy increasing substrate concentration, enzymatic activity increases. Increasing the substrate further without increasing the enzyme concentration will not affect the enzymatic activity because all the enzymes are occupied by a substrate molecule.3: pH valueSome enzymes require acidic surroundings, most require a more neutral condition for their activity. Change in the pH can change the enzyme's structure and enzyme become useless.4: TemperatureAn increase in temperature of 10 degree celsius doubles the enzymatic activity. Each enzyme has its own optimum temperature at which its enzymatic activity is maximum. Very high temperatures break the bonds that maintain shape of enzyme. If the enzyme denatures, the substrate can not fit in to the active sites and enzyme become useless.