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Q: How do main senses warn you of danger?
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What do prairie dogs do to warn danger?

they make a certain whistling/screaming sound to warn other prairie dogs of danger.

What do animals use for their protection?

Camouflage for hiding speed for escape their senses to warn them of impending danger Instinct Teeth, claws, tails, talons Behavior like staying in a herd, or hunting at night

What problem may occur if you lost all of the senses?

You would be senseless! You wouldn't be able to feel, touch, hear, see, smell - in other words you would be isolated from the world. You also be in danger because senses like touch warn you if you are in pain so you can protect yourself.

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What is the purpose of traffic signs?

to warn of a possible danger ahead.

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what sits on the water and warns ships of the danger coast

How did Chingachgook warn the others of an impending danger?

Chingachgook warned the others of impending danger by tapping the boat.

Why did Solembum come to the records room when Eragon and the others were in there?

Solembum came to the records room because he sensed danger and wanted to warn Eragon and his companions. As a werecat with heightened senses, he was able to perceive invisible threats that the others could not detect.

What floating object anchored in water is used to warn of danger?

the bey

What is a word that starts with a w and means point out danger?

Warn - or warning

Why should you yell if there is fire?

To warn other people regarding the danger.