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Snowy male owls usually have food and then he calls for a female. When one sites him they land on the ground and he puts his wings over his food and if the females get closer I think he goes over and preens her feathers.

Thats my limited knoledge of that

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11y ago

In birds of the Enriched World, and those of the Tropical and Unenriched Worlds without male parental care (like hummingbirds or most bowerbirds) male birds have to attract females to obtain mating success. In the former case, the breeding season is so short and abundant as to create intense competition to attract females; in the latter it is not necessary that males care for young since females can find enough food over a very long season of caring.

(In most birds of the Tropical and Unenriched Worlds, and also all seabirds, there are long-term group or pair ties and males do not attract females but are needed to care for young.)

Male birds in the Enriched World most commonly attract females by highly complex songs that are audible in the cool damp climates for long distances as the females come from wintering grounds. Among polygynous birds of the Tropical and Unenriched Worlds, it is more common to attract females by means of very colourful displays. These often form what are known as leks, whereby a group of males displays and each female chooses from them.

However, this distinction is far from absolute and attraction in each region does vary between song and display. Male bowerbirds attracts by means of display bowers which they build.

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12y ago

some show off their beautiful feathers

some dance

some sing

and some kill another bird and offer it as a meal for the female

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12y ago

with bright colored feathers

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Q: How do male birds attract female birds?
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