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by drinking plenty of water

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Q: How do marine animals survive in water without air contact?
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How do humans help soft bodied marine animals survive?

we can open our mouths

How do plants and animals survive in the ocean?

They posses adaptation feature to the marine habitat.

What is purpose of water in life?

Water is the life itself. No life without water. One can't survive without water. All animals and plants that one live upon and rely upon can't survive without water. Even water is important to have marine transport.

Can marine animals live without plants?

Lost if not all marine animals are aerobic. This means that without oxygen they will die. As only plants and some species of fungi or bacteria produce oxygen, without plants (water dwelling plants) then aquatic animals would die.

What do animals eat to survive in antarctica?

No animals live on the Antarctic continent. Animals that come to the ice to breed are sea animals and feed themselves from the marine food chain, which is rich and abundant.

What does a Marine biologist do that is important?

A Marine Biologist is important because without them we would know nothing about fish, ocean life, any marine animals or the ocean itself.

Is coral an important food source?

Coral is food for most marine animals. Without coral half of the ocean population would disappear. Sea turtles are one example of a sea animal that needs coral to survive.

Do seals use plants in Antarctica?

There are no plants in Antarctica. Seals are marine animals and use sea life not land life, to survive.

Who are the marine animals?

marine animals are sea toads & more!

How do aquatic plants and animals survive in water?

the aquatic animals and plants also known as water animals and plants or marine animals and plants can survive in our body is designed to live in a particular area, environment the same way the water animals and plants are also designed to live in water.most of them have gills or special organs which helps them to breathe in water as water also consists of air.this is how plants and animals survive in water.

Is a starfish endangered?

Starfish are not on the endangered list. However, starfish like other marine animals depend on a healthy ocean environment to survive.

What does fish in antarctica eat?

Marine animals in the Southern Ocean -- which surrounds Antarctica -- survive on the short food chain there, where krill form the base.