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Q: How do meerkats eat venomous scorpions?
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Which animals eats scorpions?

Meerkats eat scorpions. I'm not sure what other animals eat scorpions.

Why don't meerkats die when they eat scorpions?

Meerkats will happily catch and eat scorpions. And there's not much of a ceremony, they'll just start nibbling away and the scorpion will die soon enough.

What kind of animals do meerkats eat?

Insects, scorpions, small snakes.

Are meerkats herbivores?

Meerkats are carnivores, They eat insects like scorpions, millipedes, and other things they find crawling around in the dirt.

What animal eat scorpions?

Natural predators of the scorpion are bird, lizard, Spiders, grasshopper mouse, and Meerkats. The grasshopper mouse is resistant to the insectâ??s venomous sting. There is a endless list of animals.

What does the mearcats eat?

Meerkats are carnivores. They eat insects, lizards and even small birds. Their favourite food is scorpions!

What does mearcats eat?

Meerkats are carnivores. They eat insects, lizards and even small birds. Their favourite food is scorpions!

What do meerkats enjoy for dinner?

Some of the meerkats favorite things to eat include scorpions, centipedes, worms, and basically anything else they can find in the dirt.

What is a meerkats favorite food?

They eat scorpions, Beetles, lizards, frogs, toads, worms, and anything thing else that they can get their paws on that looks good enough to eat, like a hungry dominate female with pups in the family that aren't hers.

Where do meerkats get there water from?

They get all the water they need from their food such as grubs, scorpions, and millipedes.

What are some interesting facts about meerkats?

They eat poisonous scorpions (even poison part) and still live (one of the thingss they eat).

Can a meerkat eat a king cobra?

A family group of meerkats are quite capable of killing and eating scorpions and snakes.