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Q: How do mental maps help a geographer interpret the past?
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What are some reason geographer might makes maps?

to help people get around

Be able to interpret all the general and special purpose maps?

To interpret all the general and special purpose maps, it is important to know about latitude and longitude. A basic understanding of geography will help.

What are the 2 most important things a geographer uses?

maps and coordinates

What is the main job of a geographer?

They study maps, and how the earth goes round

What is a sentence using geographer?

we need a Geographer. Only than we can assess it.

Are models examples of maps?

A map can be an example of a model, however not all models are maps. Models can be graphs, diagrams, physical representations, etc. that can be used to help interpret data.

What are some of the tasks of the geographer?

The tasks of a geographer are wide ranging, and can also depend on if it is a physical geographer or a human geographer. Some general tasks could include creating and and modifying maps, graphs, and/or diagrams, using geographical information software and related equipment, and principles of cartography.

What is the name of one of the greatest Greek geographers whose maps influenced Columbus?

one of the greatest Greek geographer whose maps influenced columbus

What tools do geographer use?

Some tools that geographers use are maps, globes, censers, compasses and many more. and they also use a Key map legend to help them decide where certain things are.

What are the different types of maps in this world Like i already have physical map and political map and a world map and that but what other kinds are there today i need help and fast?

The four types of maps are physical maps, mental maps, political maps, and theomatic maps. Physical maps show a place's physical features. A political map shows the boarders of the countries. Mental maps are maps drawn from your memory. Theomatic maps show a spicific peice of information, like what countries get sick the most often.

How do special map elements help us read maps?

Special map elements help us to understand, read, and interpret the map's contents. These elements include a symbol legend, scale bar, north arrow, descriptive text, projection information, inset maps, index maps, and the map title.

If you are able to give a passerby directions to the rodent museum you are using your .?

mental map