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Q: How do meteorologist report wind direction?
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Who uses the anemomter?

It is used by a meteorologist, it is a wind gauge, recording the speed and direction of the wind

Why do meteorologist use the wind direction finder?

Wind direction can be used to predict where storms and weather will head and how long until it will get there.

How does a wind vane help forecast the weather?

A wind vane or weather vane tells a meteorologist the direction form which the wind is blowing and this will provide information that, along with other meteorological data will enable the meteorologist to forecast the weather.

Why is it important for a meteorologist to know about air pressure how does it help him or her forecast the weather?

Air always flows from high-pressure to low-pressure areas. This allows the meteorologist to predict wind direction and speed.

What does VRB in a weather report mean?

VRB in a weather report means variable wind. Usually follows 0 mph wind speed, so wind can increase from any direction.

What elements make up a weather report?

Precipitation, Temperature, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Humidity, Air Pressure, Cloud Cover and Visibility.

What are scientists who study and measure wind directions called?


Why does the wind always blow in your face no matter where you go?

It all depends on where you live. I live in Kansas (horrible weather) and as most anyone knows that there is wind there and it blows only in my face. I think that trees by roads channel the air in a certain direction and unfortunately in your face. In Kansas I experience gusts sudden changes in wind direction so I could turn around and it will blow immediately in my direction. I am no meteorologist and it is just my theory.

Weather report says winds blow at 5km h from northeast is this description of the wind speed or velocity?

Velocity is the report on the weather. This is what measures speed and direction.

What is something that a meteorologist might study?

Wind speed, climate, rainfall

What is the first thing that meteorologist consider when making a weather forecast?

The wind

What kind of scientist studies clouds the wind and air pressure?

A meteorologist.