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Different minerals color clear crystal. Iron oxides make reds and Oranges, copper makes blues and greens .

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18h ago

Mineral crystals get their color from the presence of certain chemical impurities or defects in their structure. These impurities can absorb or reflect different wavelengths of light, leading to the perception of color. The specific color of a mineral crystal can be influenced by its chemical composition, atomic structure, and how light interacts with its internal characteristics.

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How can mineral composition affect a rocks color?

No. It can vary from the visible color of the mineral and, since visible color of them ineral is not a reliable indicator of type, it is important to learn to use streak, (along with other factors), to correctly identify a mineral.

How to identify crystals?

Crystals have regular, flat faces that form at very specific angles to each other and reflect their atomic structure. To identify what type of mineral you have, consult, or a library, or a university earth science department, a local museum with mineral exhibits, or a local mineral collecting club.

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The arrangement of atoms in a mineral sample can cause the formation of crystals.

What is the colors of calcite?

The strak color of calcite is white. Calcite can appear in many colors, however, due to impurities in the mineral crystals.

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A rock lined with mineral crystals is called a geode. Geodes are hollow rocks that contain a variety of different crystals inside, such as quartz, amethyst, or calcite. These crystals form inside the geode over time as mineral-rich water flows through and deposits minerals along the walls.

Are gems made from crystals?

Gemstones are made from mineral crystals, yes.

What do crystals always form?

a mineral

Formed by crystals and is inorganic?

A mineral.