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The earth spins on its axis. It takes about 24 hours (1 day) to make 1 complete spin.

As the earth spins, the sun rises on the eastern horizon in the morning, it appears to

move across the sky throughout the day and then sets on the western horizon in the


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Q: How do night and day arise on the earth?
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Why the sun arise at day time and the moon arise at night time?

Day happens because we are in the sun's direct light. The sun seems to "arise" when actually the earth is rotating. The moon can be out in the "daytime" the moon's orbit around the earth has little to do with night and day. Although the moon is brighter at night.

How do you experience day and night?

You experience day and night by the rotation of the Earth on it's axis. The portion of Earth that faces the Earth is day and the other side is night.

Day and night are cause by?

the rotation of Earth on its axis.

How does day change to night?

Day and night changes the earth the earth makes it happen by rotating the earth rotates and it turns day or nightexample: you live in Arizona and when its day time theres light then as the earth moves it turns night time.Day and night changes the earth the earth makes it happen by rotating the earth rotates and it turns day or nightexample: you live in Arizona and when its day time theres light then as the earth moves it turns night time.

What is the result of earth's rotation on its axis?

Day and night.

Does it cause night and day for the earth to rotate on its axis?

Yes, if you are facing the sun it is day, but when the earth rotates it will be night.

How are night and day caused by the earth's rotation?

it is caused by if the earth rotates, if the earth goes away from the sun it is night . so that is how night is caused. Day is caused by the earth rotates and, the sunlight hits that place. so that is how the day is caused.

Why does earth day and night?

Because the earth rotates, when it is day in your part of the world the earth is facing the sun. When its night it faces away from the sun.

What astronomical causes day and night?

The rotation of the earth causes night and day.

Why does the earth have day and night?

Earth is rotating on its axis and day and night occur as a result as the Earth spin. If the Sun is shining on a part of the Earth, they are having day time. If a part of the Earth is facing away from the Sun, there are having night time.

How do we get day and night?

We get day and night because, the Earth spins on it's axis around the sun, when the part of the Earth you live in is facing the sun it is day to you. The Moon orbits the earth, for the moon to orbit the Earth once it takes 28 days, when the Moon is facing the part of the Earth you live on it is night to you. Hope this helped x

Why does day an night come continuously?

Day and night occur because of the earth's rotation on it's axis. When one side of the earth is facing towards the sun, it is day. When it is facing away from the sun, it is night. Earth is always spinning so the cycle of day and night continues.