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Only 10% of plants have seeds like Horsetails or Ferns or Club Mosses. that's all i got sorry

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Q: How do non-seed plants form new plant?
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How do plant suckers work?

They are new plants that form on roots.

Can potatoes produce seeds?

See answer to question, Can potato make new plant? You can plant the whole potato to make a new plant, or wait until it grows "eyes" on the outside, which are the "seeds" that form new plants. Each eye can make one new plant. Farmers use baby potatoes, or 'seed potatoes' to start new plants.

Why is a plant successful if it has many flowers?

Flowers form seeds, if there are many flowers means more seeds to form new plants

What is the new plant?

What are the new plants

How do plants form new plants?

plants form new plants by pollination of each other

Can you cross 2 plants to get a whole new plant?

yes you can cross 2 plants and get a whole new plant.

In a seedless plant what grows into a new organisms?

Plants like moss and ferns reproduce by spores. Some plants reproduce by sending out runners which will grow into new plants. Other plants will have parts such as leaves or stems which fall off the mother plant and grow into a new plant.

Why are plants important to are survival?

Flowers are important to plant survival because they are the sex organ of the plant. Without flowers, the plant can not create seeds to grow new plants. Without flowers, you can not have hybridization of new plants.

What do plants do to grow into new plants?

germination is when a plant is being to grow

Do plant seeds that plants make grow to be new plants?


Is a potato produced asexually?

Potato plants form tubers underground and these will form a new plant, asexually, if left in the ground or replanted. The tubers can be cut into pieces to form many new plants but each piece must have an "eye" from which a sprout can develope.The tuber is not the seed of the potato plant - seeds are formed in a green berry that resembles a tiny tomato, and that grows on the above ground portion of the plant after blossoming and pollination.

How might a food web change if a new plant were added?

the new plant might crowd out other plants