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There are many non-denominational organizations. Ask one--they'll usually be very happy to help you out!! Simply approach your nearest church. If you live in the UK you will live in a parish (as the whole country is divided into parishes) and you can approach your local vicar. Otherwise, approach a local pastor of a church (his/her name, address and telephone hould be on the notice board outside) and explain your situation. Some churches might require some attendance at services first, others might require you to undergo a short introductory course (eg Alpha course) but you will find most very helpful and welcoming.

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Q: How do non denominational people become baptized?
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There are many reasons why people might prefer a non-denominational church. Some might find the freedom to worship without strict rules and regulations appealing. Others might appreciate the focus on individual spiritual growth rather than adherence to doctrine. And still, others might simply enjoy the diversity of a non-denominational congregation. Join the best non-denominational churches of south Wichita Restoration Church Today for the freedom of worship.

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Is it difficult to learn how to become a ordained minister?

Each religious organization has there own process for becoming ordained. You can take correspondence courses too become a non denominational minister.

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