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It eats Gazelles and antelope which eat grass so without the cheetah their might not be any grass inafrica because of over reproduction of the herbivores that live there.

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Q: How do other animals affect cheetahs?
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Do cheetahs kill with other animals?

yes cheetahs do kill with other animals they cant do it their self

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Are cheetahs mean or nice to other animals?


How can cheetahs harm or hurt other animals?

Cheetahs have sharp claws and teeth- and enough speed to catch most animals.

How does the desert affect cheetahs?

Cheetahs are not desert animals as they much prefer the grasslands where food is more common. Therefore, the desert has little to no effect on them.

Where are cheetahs protected?

Many mean people are after the cheetahs and even animals atack each other

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How do cheetahs help other animals?

They actually DON'T help animals, unless eating animals is helping them ;).

Why are cheetahs the way they are?

All organisms evolve to fill a specific ecological niche, which in the case of cheetahs is the hunting of other animals.

Are cheetahs producers?

Consumers. They only produce baby cheetahs. Like ALL cats, they are carnivores- they eat other animals.

Are cheetahs dangerous to animals?

yes bcause the prey is there food so that's why there dangures to other animals.

How can cheetahs harm or hurt other animals or humans?

By Biting them and usually killing them