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Through digestion, we chew the food we eat and we swallow it. Then, it gets to the stomach where it is mixed together with water and other fluids. After that, the food is passed on to the intestine. Nutrients escape through the walls of the intestine into our blood. From there they are carried to all parts of the body. Most food leaves waste that the body cannot use. Some of it goes to the kidneys and turns into urine. The liver also filters out waste. What is left over passes through the large intestine and leaves our body.

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Q: How do our bodies break food down into useful nutrients?
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When these living things die, bacteria break down their bodies into nutrients completing the cycle

What best describes the function of the digestive system?

To break down food into nutrients.

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Bacteria typically break down essential nutrients and return them to the soil. Sometimes fungi will break down essential nutrients and return them to the soil as well.

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Tiny plants and animals that break down dead materials into nutrients are call DECOMPOSERS

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no cells do not break down nutrients. digestive enzymes do and depending on where or what in the body you want to break down depends on what kind. for example in the mouth there is amylase enzyme which breaks down starch or pepsin in the stomach which breaks down protein. trypsin and erepsin also break down protein but in the small intestine. hope this is ok

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Decomposers break down dead organisms which produce carbon dioxide and nutrients. These nutrients are then used by other organisms such as plants.

What breaks food down after it reaches the stomach?

Enzymes break down large food molecules into more useful nutrients. In the stomach, this is carried out by the enzyme pepsin. This is a protease, so it will digest proteins into amino acids.

How do nutrients get into soil?

Decomposers break down dead plants and animals. They return the nutrients to the soil.

What role do fungi play in recycling nutrients in the environment?

Living things incorporate nutrients into their bodies. For example, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil, then, using energy from the sun, synthesize carbon and hydrogen into carbohydrates. When you eat food, you break that food down into its basic units, then reassemble those to build things like muscle. Living things tie up nutrients, and without decomposers those nutrients would stay tied up. Decomposers like bacteria, earthworms, and fungi release those nutrients from the dead bodies of plants and animals or from animal feces.Fungi produce chemicals which break down dead matter into nutrients. By freeing nutrients from dead matter and waste, fungi make those nutrients available for growing plants to use. Fungi are an essential part of (cue music) the circle of life.