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Tiny plants and animals that break down dead materials into nutrients are call DECOMPOSERS

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Q: Tiny plants and animals that break down dead materials into nutrients?
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How do nutrients get into soil?

Decomposers break down dead plants and animals. They return the nutrients to the soil.

Where do materials coming from dead plants and animals?

Every living thing will, on death, break down into chemicals (nutrients) that can be absorbed back into the cycle of life. Grass is eaten by grazing animals, the waste is dropped onto the ground and breaks down into fibre and nutrients. The nutrients then enter the soil and feed the next generation of plants and grasses.

Where do materials coming from dead plants and animals go?

Every living thing will, on death, break down into chemicals (nutrients) that can be absorbed back into the cycle of life. Grass is eaten by grazing animals, the waste is dropped onto the ground and breaks down into fibre and nutrients. The nutrients then enter the soil and feed the next generation of plants and grasses.

How do agaricus bisporus eat?

They are decomposers, which means they break down dead animals and plants for nutrients.

Is thesoil enriched bynutrients from dead organisms?

Yes, and also from the natural breakdown of plants and animals. Plants and animals break down into nutrients (chemicals) which plants can use to produce new growth.

What breaks down dead?

Decomposers break down dead material. They break down dead plants and animals and absorb their nutrients back in to the soil.

The first trophic level to benefit from the activity of decomposers?

Decomposers will break down dead animals and plants leaving free the nutrients or minerals necessary for plants to grow.

How do nutrients get into the soil?

Nutrients enter the soil when an animal dies and its body decomposes into the soil, or when a plant decomposes into the soil when it dies. And that pretty much creates nutrients. :P

How do plants and animals move Earth's surface materials from one place to another as they carry on their life processes?

Animals can dig holes and can kick up dirt i guess, and when roots grow from plants they can grow into cracks in rocks and cause them to break apart. I dont know the second way for plants to move the surface materials.

Does algae break down dead plants and animals?

Fungi are responsible for the decomposition of plants and animals.

What role do fungi play in recycling nutrients in the environment?

Living things incorporate nutrients into their bodies. For example, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil, then, using energy from the sun, synthesize carbon and hydrogen into carbohydrates. When you eat food, you break that food down into its basic units, then reassemble those to build things like muscle. Living things tie up nutrients, and without decomposers those nutrients would stay tied up. Decomposers like bacteria, earthworms, and fungi release those nutrients from the dead bodies of plants and animals or from animal feces.Fungi produce chemicals which break down dead matter into nutrients. By freeing nutrients from dead matter and waste, fungi make those nutrients available for growing plants to use. Fungi are an essential part of (cue music) the circle of life.

How do animals and humans obtain energy to keep them?

Animals and humans eat food to stay alive. Metabolic processes break down the food (plants and animals) to obtain energy, and the materials needed to build and repair the body.