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Q: How do overweight boys and girls suffer?
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Are girls supposed to be fat?

Overweight no, higher percentage then boys-yes.

If you are in fifth grade and you weigh over 70 pounds are you overweight?

no it is overweight to be 100 pounds for girls 120 for boys under 70 is underweight

How many girls have anorexia and how many boys?

Roughly 1 in every 250 people suffer from anorexia. Of those people, 90% are girls and 10% are boys.

Is 120 pounds overweight for a 13 year old girl?

it is slightly overweight. I'm 15, and im 135, and that's normal for BOYS my age... not girls.

Do skinny boys like overweight girls?

No, some do not. Others, however, do. They realise that the person is more important.

What making girls like boys making them suffer?

To see how they react, most cases it means that it they like them. actually boys are not series toward girl so they play with girls feeling

Why are fat boys hypocritical and hate fat girls?

most of the time they are in denial themselves and don't want to believe they are overweight.

Why does boys like thin girls and don't prefer girls a bit overweight?

They're shallow and immature, easily succumbing to peer pressure. The older you are the deeper you look.

How many boys and girls suffer from eating disorders?

An estimated 1 in every 200 people suffer from and eating disorder. Of that, 90% are female and 10% are male.

How fit are the girls and boys in UK?

Doctors in the UK found that 17% of the boys between 12 and 15 years old and 16% of the girls are classed as overweight or obese. Nearly 75% of the children dont get the recommended 60 minutes activity per day.

Why does everyone discriminate against fat people especially towards overweight girls?

Because boys and girls can be very shallow (set there standards to high and don't see the personality on the inside or beauty on the inside)

In poptropica are boys popular to girls or girls are popular to boys?

it is so simple boys to girls . who is the people to ask out , boys ask girls . girls do not ask boys.