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Cell phones have no business in schools. Social networking and texting(sexting) can wait until after class or after school. It's sad when students carry faster PDAs than the school computers.

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Q: How do parents feel about having cell phones in class?
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Why should you use your cell phones in class?

None pupil can use cell phones in class. The reason is simple to understand.

What are the bad thing about having cell phones in school?

cell phones are a destraction from your work.

Cell phones in class yes or no?

Yes! You are aloud

How do teachers feel about having cell phones in class?

depends on the teacher. some will just tell you to put it away. some will take it away from and may even involve the principal. get to know the teacher before you try anything. in general though, teachers do not like cell phones in class. they are a distraction, and can help students cheat.

Should cell phones be used in classes?

yes they should be used in class

What are the pros of cell phones?

A positive thing about cell phones is that people in need of emergency personnel have a way to call when away from the home. A cell phone can also keep teenagers safe if the parents are tracking the GPS coordinates when teenagers are away from home.

Does the government have power for laws on having cell phones at school?


How many kids have cell phones?

Well I got my first cell phone when I was 8. So you have to talk to your parents about that.

Can cell phones be used in schools?

i think that cell phones should be allowed in school because you could have everything on your phone and instead of having everything in hand

What are advantages of cell phones in class?

use your binder to hide it then you can ask for questions on a test...

What is the use of cell phones inside the classroom?

not b/c u disturber the class

Is it right for parents to track their kids cell phones?

yes because they can now if they are in danger