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Q: How do penguin chicks change as they grow into adults?
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When you grow up

How big do chicks grow?

about the size of a touster

How many feet can a penguin grow?

A penguin can grow two feet.If you mean 'How tall can a penguin grow in feet?' then the answer would depend on the species.

How do you grow big in Club Penguin?

There is no way you can "grow big" in Club Penguin

How does your penguin grow in Club Penguin?

In clubpenguin your penguin cant grow you can buy membership to get more things but that's all

How big are ostrich chicks?

Ostrich chicks are nearly the size of a chicken when they are born. Each month they grow about 1 foot.

Do baby chicks grow?

yes! bab chiocks do grow. and if you looked in an encyclopedia you woulds know that.

Which is an example of how a penguin's form might change over time as its environment changes?

on plato they grow better wings and fly

How can you make your chicks bigger?

The whole thing is that you CAN'T make your chicks bigger. However big they grow is however big they'll be.

How do you tell chickens apart?

Each chicken breed will have different characteristics for their chicks.For example: White Leghorn chicks are a cute lemon yellow color, that will change as they grow and get their adult feathers in, which are white. Golden Sex Link chicks are a soft, reddish yellow, with darker stripes on their back for the females, and a creamy white for the males. Black Australorp chicks are black with a little bit of yellow in their fluff, but grow into black chickens as they get their adult feathers in.If you mix up your chicks, the only way to tell them apart would be to wait until they get older and can determine what breed they are. Or you can put a spiral leg band on them (anklets!) and as they grow older, change the bands out for larger bands to accomodate thicker legs.

Why do chicks grow up?

Chicks are just baby Chickens, just like puppies are baby dogs, and Kittens are baby cats. They can't stay babies for ever. So they grow up into chickens.

Can bones grow at different rate?

Yes, bones do change and grow. When every one is born they start off life as a baby and as we all know babies are tiny. In order for babies to grow in to children, teens and eventually in to adults their bones have to grow.