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Penguins have a layer of fat under their feathers in order to keep warm in Antarctic air and frigid ocean waters.

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Q: How do penguins keep warm in order to survive in Antarctica?
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How do the Chinstrap Penguins survive in Antarctica?

They have a thick layer of blubber to keep them warm.

How do penguins survive the winter weather?

Penguins have a layer of fat to keep themselves warm

Could you survive in the Antarctica with no food but plenty of water?

Not likely. In order to keep your body warm, you need energy supplied by food.

Give two adaptations that penguins have to keep warm in Antarctica?

They have several layers of feathers and they have feet covered in feather to keep warm.

How do living things survive in Antarctica?

Antarctica is not so bad in the summer. With the constant sunlight you get large plankton blooms which feeds whales and fish. The fish can then be eaten by bigger fish, birds and penguins. Most animals do not stay in Antarctica over the winter. Instead they migrate north to South America or the Arctic (among other places). Those that do stay (like male Emperor Penguins with their eggs) often do not eat at all over the winter.

How o whales survive in Antarctica?

They have blubber to keep them warm. Blubber is basically fatness.

How do feathers keep penguins warm in Antarctica?

there is no explanation it just keeps them warm sciencetist dont know fully about their feathers that is made to keep them warm.

How can penguins survive in cold weather?

they have very thick feathers and they usually group together to keep warm.

How do huskies survive in Antarctica?

Well, they have a special, dense undercoat that helps keep their skin insulated.

How do animals living in Antarctica adapt?

They have thicker fur and blubber. Penguins huddle together. Others just keep on moving to keep warm. Fuzzie x

Do animals hibernate in winter in Arctic and Antarctica?

The seas around Antarctica are rich in marine (sea-living) animals, ranging from microscopic plankton to the Earths largest animal, the Blue Whale. Many different species of land animals live there also. All the animals that live in and around Antarctica have ways of helping them survive the extreme weather conditions: Some, like the whales, seals and birds, have a layer of fat to insulate and protect them from the cold. Penguins and seals have a compact body shape and thick skin to help keep in their body heat. Birds have both waterproof feathers and downy feathers to keep them warm. Many of the fish and insects have special chemicals in their blood that keep them from freezing. Some animals leave Antarctica between June and August, its coldest months. For example, Humpback whales eat huge amounts of krill before migrating to warmer waters, where there is little krill, to give birth to their calves . Some animals remain in Antarctica all the time, for example, the Emperor penguins. They huddle together in huge numbers to keep warm. Because they have special adaptations to allow them to survive the freezing temperatures, they sleep in the snow (burrows/dens/nests), in the water or on the ice or huddled together in groups.

How do penguin survive in harsh climate?

Penguins huddle in packs to keep warm. The males have to do that when they are protecting themsleves and their eggs.