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A Jewish boy becomes a bar mitzvah when he turns 13 years of age, whether he or anyone around him

is aware of it at the time, and whether or not he or anyone else decides to acknowledge the occasion or

celebrate it in any way.

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14y ago

A Jewish boy becomes a bar mitzvah when he turns 13 years of age, whether he or anyone around him

is aware of it at the time, and whether or not he or anyone else decides to acknowledge the occasion or

celebrate it in any way.

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Related questions

What responsibilities do Jewish people get once they are bar mitzvah?

A bar mitzvah takes on the religious responsibilities of a Jewish adult.

How does a boy feel before a bar mitzvah?

Proud, happy and nervous.

What do people at bar mitzvah eat?

Any food can be eaten at a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, including traditional and non traditional foods. The Bar/Bat Mitzvah child can pick the food.

Why do people have Bar Mitzvah?

Jewish boys have a Bar Mitzvah at 13 years as a rite of passage.

How many people go to a bar mitzvah?

The minimum number of people required for any public prayer service is 10, but there is no maximum. Any number of people can go to a bar Mitzvah.

When do people celebrate Bar Mitzvah?

Jews celebrate a bar mitzvah when a boy turns 13 and becomes a official adult man/member of the community.

What does a synagouge have to do with a bar mitzvah?

It is where the Bar Mitzvah ceremony takes place.

When does person have bar mitzvah?

A boy has his Bar Mitzvah at age 13.

Is it correct to call someone bar mitzvah?

Yes, the boy is called 'a/the bar mitzvah' which translates as 'son of mitzvah'. For a girl, it would be 'a/the bat mitzvah' 'daughter of mitzvah'.

How do you write congratulations for your bar mitzvah?

Typically you would wish the Bar Mitzvah boy and his family "Mazal Tov"

What is the cloak called Jewish people wear at bar mitzvah?

There is no cloak worn at a bar mitzvah ceremony. If you're referring to the prayer shawl, that's called a 'tallit'.

Who is the Bar Mitzvah ceremony for?

The key player in the Bar Mitzvah boy is the 13 year old Jewish boy, his family and friends are invited to join in the celebration. For more info on Bar Mitzvah check out