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Q: How do people get seizures by playing video games?
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Related questions

How many people have died playing video games?

there isn't an official count but many people have died due to light induced seizures that come from the light of a t.v or video srceen.

Can video games harm us?

Yes some games can cause seizures.

Can you get addicted to video games and what are the symptoms?

Yes, you can get addicted to video games. One might spends hours and hours playing without eating or sleeping. I read an article once about a man who spent three days playing an online video game with little food and water and no sleep. He eventually passed out and died. Playing an excessive amount of video games might lead to seizures as well.

Do people kill others by playing violet video games?


What is the probability of people playing video games?

The answer will depend on people's access to gaming machines and to video games, the demographics of the wherever you are studying and whether or not the people have a life!

What is a video game stream?

it is a streaming video of someone/multiple people playing one or more video games

What is the average playing video games in the world?

the average video games played around the world is 690,456 people and people play for at least 2-6hours.

What is wrong with playing video games?

Absolutely nothing is wrong with playing video games.

how video games are harmful for health?

**_Depends .... If you limit your time then you will be fine , if not according to Google video games can lead to seizures and drowsiness . Yw

Do people break a sweat when their playing video games?

Yep when i was battleing with Sephroth

What is the difference between playing video games and watching TVwhat is betterwaching tv or playing video game?

Playing video games because you are interacting with your TV

Why are video games under critiscisim?

Because a lot of people say too much video game playing is bad for you. And this is true. So people aren't really criticizing video games, they are trying to get people to cut back on video game time.