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How To Break Rude People

People get rude by hanging around rude people. You break them out of it by showing them what you can get when you aren't rude.

Another Answer

People who are rude or stubborn have issues with their self esteem and often feel inadequate. The two traits are not necessarily from the same source or within the same people but can be handled in a similar manner.

To argue or try to convince a stubborn person that they are wrong only builds their resolve that they are right and they will hold their views even tighter. When you encounter a stubborn person who you believe has the wrong idea or opinion, don't confront the idea or opinion. Give them the benefit of the doubt, express your idea or opinion in an even handed manner and agree to wait and see. Do this consistently. When someone gets to know that you're not accusing them or treating them as stupid, they will be less confrontational or stubborn to you in the future.

The most important technique when interacting with a rude person is to never respond in kind. Show them by example, as suggested in the first answer, how to behave toward others. Even if you are spoken to in a rude manner, respond in a polite or matter of fact manner as you would if someone asked you for the time. If the rudeness includes insults, ignore those and respond to the actual statement or question. Example, "Look at the slut in her skanky get up", either walk on by or if that's not possible, an appropriate response might be, "The outfit didn't turn out as well as I wanted, but I'm stuck with it for the day." Then you set the example, follow up with, "That's an interesting bracelet, where did you get it?"; or whatever you can find that will be sincere(completely ignoring the insults as if they never existed). When I'm really stumped, I use "Well, it could be true", followed by something appropriate to set the example. If you are consistent in your behavior, rude people will know what they can expect from you and will sooner or later behave accordingly.

From many years in customer service, both by phone and in person, these techniques have been very successful for me.

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1mo ago

People may become stubborn and rude due to underlying emotional issues, experiences, or defense mechanisms. To help them break out of this behavior, it is important to approach them with empathy and understanding, communicate openly and calmly about the impact of their behavior, and offer support or resources for them to address any root causes contributing to their behavior.

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Q: How do people get stubborn and rude and how can you break them out of it?
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Why are people on the internet so rude and stuborn?

People on the internet may exhibit rude or stubborn behavior because they feel a sense of anonymity and detachment from consequences. This can lead to disinhibition and less consideration for others. Additionally, individuals may be more likely to engage in confrontational behavior when behind a screen, as it feels less personal than face-to-face interactions.

Why are Welsh people so rude?

It is not accurate to make generalizations about an entire group of people being rude. Individuals may have different personalities and behaviors regardless of their nationality. It is important to avoid stereotypes and instead focus on treating individuals with respect and understanding.

Is it good to be stubborn?

Being stubborn can sometimes be seen as a negative trait because it may prevent you from being open to new ideas and perspectives. However, in certain situations, being stubborn can also show determination and resilience. It's important to strike a balance and know when to be flexible and when to stand your ground.

What is a hink pink for an offensive attitude?

Rude mood.

Why are Vietnamese people so darn rude?

Generalizing an entire group of people based on individual interactions is not fair. It's important to remember that cultural differences, personal experiences, and individual personalities can all play a role in how people interact with each other. It's best to approach each person with an open mind and not make assumptions based on stereotypes.

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