

Best Answer

Read "The Zone" by Dr. Barry Sears.

ANSWER:Real simply and in plain English, In order to lose weight, you have to burn more fuel in your body than you consume.

Walking burns few calories, try aerobics, bike riding or other low impact exercise. Running is hard on the ankles, feet and knees. Try to reduce your caloric intake, fats, trans fats and junk food. Do not quit eating or miss any meals because it will make your body go into starvation mode and convert everything you eat into stored fats. Eat breakfast because it controls your metabolism and gives you fuel when you have none because you havent eaten in the last 8 hours. Keep yourself hydrated and drink water, water and more water. No sodas. no diet sodas. Coffee and tea are okay to drink, but limit what sugar you add. This goes for milk as well. Milk is made for baby cows, not humans and is fattening. Try to do weight training, but use low weights and just go through the range of motions to work the muscles to burn fuel and light weights so you don't gain muscle mass. Do some research on how fat is stored in the body and how those same fat cells are used. They are absorbed quite easily, like water through a screen door, but when you want them gone they are trapped like flies and you have to do some physical work to make them leave. Start with short term goals and do not, I repeat do not weigh yourself repeatedly. This will discourage you in the long run because you will not see a significant weight loss even after dieting for a few weeks. Your body weight can fluctuate with just water loss by as much as 2- 5 lbs a day. Do not take water pills, they will only dehydrate you. If you can, get a partner to get in shape with you because its more motivational to do things as a team or group. If you maintain a good regiment, your weight will normalize. Be advised that your normal weight may still be what you consider to be overweight for your age/gender or some chart in a book. Before you start, see where you want to be is size in your mind, and work towards that vision. If you cannot see it, you cannot be it. As always, consult a physician before starting changes in your diet, as you may deprive your body of needed nutrients and minerals that you need to be healthy. Good luck!

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12y ago
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12y ago

Diet and exercise work; you just have to do it over time (like months instead of days).

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Q: How do people lose weight if diet and exercise doesn't work?
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Definitely. Diet and exercise are the key to losing weight. There are a lot of gimmick diets that claim to work, but in small writing it says use with a diet and exercise plan. Since doctors have a lot of education, they know that diet and exercise are the way to go.