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most people in Kenya farm but there are some other things

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Q: How do people make a living in Kenya?
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What do most people work as in Kenya?

Most people in kenya farm for a living.

What are facts about mt Kenya?

Mount Kenya is the highest mountain in Kenya and the second-highest in Africa. It is an ancient extinct volcano with three main peaks: Batian, Nelion, and Point Lenana. The mountain is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a popular destination for hiking and climbing.

Why are people there in Kenya?

Kenyans, because they use the Kenya part and add the "ns" to make it people

How long have the Maasai people been living in Kenya?

The Maasai people have been living in Kenya for several centuries. They are believed to have migrated to the region from the Nile Valley in the 15th century and have since settled in the Great Rift Valley and surrounding areas.

How do most people make a living in Kenya?

Most people in Kenya make a living through agriculture, with small-scale farming being a common source of income. Other sources of livelihood include trade, service industry, tourism, and formal employment in sectors such as education, healthcare, and technology. Additionally, remittances from family members working abroad also play a significant role in the economy.

Why are many people in Kenya moving from villages to the city?

because they are tried of living in vilgaes

Do the people of Kenya have a high standard of living?

It could be improved by having a set limit of kids that each family could have

Why was Robert Baden Powell buried in Kenya?

Kenya is where he was living at the time of his death.

What does Kenya do for the environment?

Kenya can do anything for the environment.They can sacrifice the animals for their living and shelters

What is the life expectacy for the people living in Kenya?

Male: about 59 years (58.91) Female: about 60 years (60.07)

Is Kenya a poor country?

Kenya has a mixed economy with both urban and rural areas experiencing poverty. While it is considered a lower-middle-income country, poverty levels remain relatively high, especially in rural areas. Kenya faces issues with income inequality, access to basic services, and high unemployment rates which contribute to poverty within the country.

Do people in kenya have a high standard of living?

no they not because of less job opportunities and if there is any then young people are not employed due to lack of experience.