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I have no experience with rats, only a baby my dog brought home which died a few days later, but I did find out online, and can confirm that they grind their teeth when they are happy.

They also communicate (even laugh) in frequences the human ear can't pick up on, and you can tell a lot from their body language too, if they are excited about seeing you and feel very comfortable with you, it's obvious that they like you.

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Q: How do pet rats show they love you?
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Do you have rats or mice?

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Can pet rats have rabbies?

No. All pet rats are vaccinated.

How long should pet rats be allowed to play out of their cage?

As long as you have time for! Rats are extremely social animals and love human interaction.

Can pet rats eat honey?

Yes, they certainly can. Most rats love sweet things, & honey just happens to be a healthier option.

How can you show you love a pet?

you can do things like take him/her for a walk, petting him/her or doing simple things like talking to your pet to show that you love them

How do you convince your parents to let you have a pet rat they think that they are smelly and mean and i know they arent So how can i convince them that they make really good pets?

I would show them some YouTube videos of rats. There are very educational videos that can be used to show what pet rats are like.

Do pet rats like music?

I believe that rats are to busy trying to stay alive and trying to find food to worry about music at all.

Where you can find rats?

You can find pet rats in a lot of pet stores, or animal rescues. You can find wild rats just about anywhere.

Why do pet rats groom there owners?

To show Affection - if they lick and nibble you they are accepting you as a close friend and a member of there family

Where can you find pet dumbo rats?

Dumbo rats have big ears and pointy noses. they also love to dig in their cage sawdust and make secret tunnels to store their food

What is the charcteristic of a rat?

Pet rats are quite tame they love affection just like a dog and need plenty of stimulation however wild rats can be rather vicious and timid

Why are pet rats called fancy rats?

its not all pet rats its just the ones that are black and white because it looks somewhat like a tuxedo